CableFree Planning Tools for 4G LTE Networks
CableFree LTE Base Station
CableFree offers a complete range of planning tools to support customers using CableFree LTE Base Station, Core Network and CPE devices, to aid 4G Deployments. Our Complete Toolset for Planning LTE Networks includes:
- LTE Capacity Planning
- LTE Network Dimensioning
- LTE Throughput Calculators
- LTE Coverage Tools
Once network fully deployed, customers can also consider using wide range of
established 3rd-party LTE planning tools
for deployment and optimisation
Suite of LTE Capacity Planning Tools and Network Dimensioning
- Essential to decide how many LTE Base Station Sectors to provide “day 1” and anticipated future coverage
- Ideal for providing estimation of budget and business case for LTE:
Throughput/subscriber & cost model
LTE Network Dimensioning Calculator
CableFree LTE Dimensioning Calculator
Calculates overall network capacity
Select :
- Network size/area
- Number of base stations
- LTE modes (gives sector capacity)
Gives results for
- Total network performance
- Fixed + Mobile subscribers
- Uplink and Downlink
- Total Capacity + Contention Ratios
These tools are ideal for
- Ideal for quick initial network design
- Feeds into costing & business model
LTE Capacity Calculator
CableFree LTE Capacity Calculator
Calculates per-sector capacity
Select :
- FDD and TDD modes
- Channel Widths
- UL/DL ratio for TDD
- Modulation up to 256QAM
Gives results for
- Uplink and Downlink
- Aggregate capacity for 3
or more sectors for macro sites
LTE Coverage Planning Tools
CableFree LTE Coverage Planning Tools
Create coverage “heat maps” for LTE
- Includes LTE BS & CPE RF parameters
- Full RF modelling calculations
- Includes global terrain map
- Avoid “shadowing” and black spots
Ideal for initial design work for
- Choose best location for base sites
- Analyse best coverage strategy
- Ensure no “holes”
- Enable “what if” design iteration
- “Day 1” and “Fully Built” scenarios
Free LTE Design Consultancy Service from CableFree
If you’re considering deploying an LTE network, please contact our team. We offer a free service for initial design, dimensioning and building business case for new-build 4G as well as WiMax-to-LTE conversion upgrades for new and existing operators.
For Further Information
Please Contact Us for more information on our exciting range of solutions using LTE technology